CemBiotic [sim- bahy -ot-ik) – adjective: (1) stimulates the formation of mineral apatite, and (2) releases phosphate, calcium and fluoride ions, and (3) is similar in chemical and structural composition to dentin, and (4) contains no HEMA, Bis-phenol A, Bis-GMA or BPA derivatives.
- CemBiotic®
- Importance of Hydroxyapatite
- Contributes hydroxyapatite
- Contributes beneficial ions
- Similar in composition to Dentin
- Superior bond strength
CemBiotic® – An industry first
Why is Hydroxyapatite important:
Tooth decay erodes enamel and underlying dentin, jeopardizing the viability of the tooth. Dentinal tubules, composed predominantly of hydroxyapatite, are the “scaffolding” of the living tooth. As part of the cementation reaction, BioCem forms hydroxyapatite, available to integrate with and replenish tooth structure.
BioCem contributes hydroxyapatite
SEM analysis shows BioCem’s unique ability to integrate into the tooth’s dentin structure at the cement/dentin interface.
BioCem contributes beneficial ions
BioCem contains calcium, phosphate and fluoride. These ionic species, important to maintaining healthy tooth structure and a contributing to a balanced oral environment, are concentrated at the cement/tooth interface.
BioCem is similar in composition to Dentin
BioCem’s biocompatable chemical composition is similar to dentin. Its unique hydrophilic RMGI formula isHEMA, Bis-GMA, BPA and BPA derivative free.
Superior bond strength
BioCem’s bond strength to zirconia and to stainless steel is significantly higher than glass ionomer cements. Other RMGI cements’ bond strength to zirconia varies widely. BioCem’s bond strength, optimized for pediatric dentistry, is consistently high when compared to other RMGI cements.